The Indian economy is one of the fastest-growing in the world, but after recording GDP growth of around 7-8 percent for several years, there has been a comparative slowdown, with manufacturing and international trade tapering. India also faces acute environmental challenges — climate variability, poor air quality, over-exploitation of groundwater, water scarcity, increasing inland and coast salinity, degradation of land, and increased intensity of climate extreme events. What’s more, such challenges have adversely affected productivity and economic performance, resulting in increased poverty, unemployment and poor health.
India has worked to tackle this through several policies and programmes, making efforts to support achievement of the SDGs and its NDCs. Specific to green economy, India has embraced a large-scale, integrated economy-wide approach, including circular economy and sustainable consumption and production. Aimed at enhancing existing initiatives on a national and sub-national level, India joined PAGE in 2018 with the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) leading the engagement, with the country’s efforts to increase resource efficiency providing a specific entry point for PAGE support.