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Partnerships, South-South Cooperation & Exchange
Who we worked with in 2020
Collaboration is embedded within the PAGE identity. Relying on shared expertise, dialogue and alignment of efforts strengthens the partnership’s effectiveness and enables synergy on the country and global level. In 2020, this collaboration with partners was a key ingredient in a comprehensive and coordinated COVID-19 response, adaptive work planning and enhanced strength.
Collaborating partners include: the NDC Partnership; GoForSDGs; UNEP-UNDP Poverty-Environment Action for Sustainable Development Goals (PEA); SWITCH Africa Green and SWITCH-Asia; UN-REDD; One Planet Network; Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN); the UNDP Green Commodities Programme; Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI); Green Economy Coalition (GEC); Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP); the UNEP’s Environment and Trade Hub; UNEP Finance Initiative (UNEP FI); SEED; and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) among others. Some highlights of this work are below.
Meet our partners
NDC Partnership
PAGE and the NDC Partnership began their collaboration in August 2020, in response to the call for coordinated support for a green and climate resilient economic recovery . By aligning efforts, together the two partnerships aim to strengthen governments’ green recovery measures in response to COVID-19. With country and development partners, the NDC Partnership’s Economic Advisory initiative and PAGE’s Green Recovery Support Mechanism will assist up to 49 countries throughout the coming year to incorporate green growth and climate resilience into their economic recovery plans and stimulus packages, to promote a job rich green and inclusive economic recovery.
Green Growth Knowledge Partnership (GGKP)
As part of its long-standing relationship with GGKP, PAGE has assisted in the development of two news initiatives, the Green Forum and Green Learning Network.
In collaboration with the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Germany, the Green Forum is an online interactive community space for professionals to share and discuss insights on a range of themes and issues in the pursuit of a sustainable economic transformation, available to the public in early 2021.
PAGE, with UNITAR, have jointly supported the development of the Green Learning Network, a digital space where education and training professionals from around the world can find a range of green learning resources and events, share information, ask advice, and learn collectively from one another.
Partners for Inclusive Green Economy
PAGE is a member of the global inter-institutional group the Partners for Inclusive Green Economy — comprised of the Green Economy Coalition, GGKP, UNEP-UNDP PEA, the International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), GGGI, the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), and GIZ. The Partners meet regularly for collective transparency and to plan joint initiatives. In 2020, PAGE collaborated on a policy paper on Priority Options for a Just, Green & Transformative Recovery launched with the Partners for IGE on World Environment Day.
Go for SDGs
Since its launch in September 2019, PAGE has contributed to the design and shape of the UNEP led initiative “Go for SDGs” through assisting in the development of its concept note, tools and policy level work. The initiative aims to boost essential efforts to reach the Sustainable Development Goals specifically targeting three key groups: policymakers, small to medium size enterprises and youth.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Among a number of other projects, PAGE and GIZ have collaborated on several initiatives in Kazakhstan in 2020 including technical advisory support to develop legal tools for a new eco-code along with the development of a legal framework for environmental permissions, reinforcing Best Available Techniques (BAT) as an effective instrument to prevent and control industrial emissions. PAGE has also developed a concept for a ‘Building Back Better training’ for civil servants in Kazakhstan with support from GIZ.
Collaborating Partners
- Green Growth Knowledge PartnershipGreen Growth Knowledge Partnership
- Poverty-Environment Action for Sustainable Development GoalsPoverty-Environment Action for Sustainable Development Goals
- United Nations Environment Programme Finance InitiativeUnited Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative
- SWITCH Africa GreenSWITCH Africa Green
- One Planet NetworkOne Planet Network
- Global Green Growth InstituteGlobal Green Growth Institute
- Inquiry into the Design of a Sustainable Financial SystemInquiry into the Design of a Sustainable Financial System
- Green Economy CoalitionGreen Economy Coalition
- UN-REDD ProgrammeUN-REDD Programme
- NDC PartnershipNDC Partnership
South-South Cooperation
South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) offers an opportunity for countries to exchange knowledge, to learn from one another and employ evidence-based solutions that work within, and informed by, local context.
At the core, South-South and Triangular Cooperation is an empowering tool for countries to design tailored responses to development challenges taking into consideration evidence and best practices from their peers. With 20 partner countries and eight funding partners engaged at different stages of a green economy transformation, PAGE provides an ideal platform for SSTC. Within the context of 2020, with all countries around the world affected by COVID-19, exchange and engagement between countries on experiences was an important avenue to address the crisis.
Notable examples of cooperation throughout 2020 are outlined below.
South Africa & Argentina with GIZ GET
In November 2020 a webinar on “Green jobs and a just transition: Country perspectives” hosted by GGKP offered a platform for an open exchange between PAGE partners South Africa and Argentina. Led through ILO engagement and in collaboration […]
Collaboration for a new monitoring platform
PAGE, led by UNDP, began work in 2020 on the development of an online platform that will facilitate monitoring and reporting on national development plans and policy targets such as low carbon development. Working first with the Guyanese Ministry of Finance, UNDP […]
Journalist workshop on green economy in Latin America
Gathering journalists from the Latin American region, an August 2020 workshop created a forum for exchange on best practices for communicating with the public on green economy. The virtual workshop brought senior journalists from the region together to train other journalists on topics related to green economy and to discuss regional efforts to further green economy concepts in the region. A group of leading journalists in the region were chosen from six countries to oversee the workshop.