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Graduating Country
Rural Mongolia

Mongolia became the first PAGE Graduating Country in 2018 and continues to stay closely linked to the partnership.

Over the past 25 years, Mongolia has transformed into a vibrant democracy, tripling the level of GDP per capita, increasing school enrolments, and seeing dramatic declines in maternal and child mortality. With vast agricultural and mineral resources, and an increasingly educated population, Mongolia is quickly moving towards its long-term development goals. It does, however, face significant environmental challenges, including land degradation, air and water pollution and increasing carbon dioxide emissions. Confronted with these challenges, Mongolia has made strong commitments to alternative growth based on environmental sustainability and social inclusiveness.  

PAGE’s work in Mongolia began in 2013, first supporting the creation of the country’s National Green Development Policy (NGDP). This set the tone for strong evidence-based policy analysis, resulting in reforms across a range of sectoral and thematic areas, including sustainable public procurement, finance and trade, green economy learning, green jobs, green buildings, and industry and waste management.   

The partnership in Mongolia has contributed to progress towards SDG 4 (Quality Education), 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), 13 (Climate Action), and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).  

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in significant economic and social impacts for Mongolia, including a 9.7% contraction in the economy within the first half of 2020. The tourism sector, the third-largest contributor to the economy, has been most severely impacted.  Additionally, the UN Mongolia Socio-Economic Response Plan for COVID-19 noted that the contraction has further exacerbated the socio-economic vulnerabilities of herders, women and low-skilled youth. 

In response, the Government adopted the Government Action Plan for 2020-2024, naming “sustainable tourism based on nature, history and cultural heritage” as key to the country’s economic recovery. In line with this, and building on previous work, PAGE developed a green recovery proposal together with national counterparts in November 2020. To aid the country’s economic recovery, PAGE will support Mongolia to develop a roadmapnational standards and an investment plan to further develop the community-based eco-tourism sector. PAGE will conduct a market assessment to identify gaps and opportunities for promoting sector growth and decent job creation; establish mechanisms for facilitating public-private collaboration; develop sustainability and green/eco-tourism business criteria and service standards; and enhance the capacity of local institutions to train SMEs, youth entrepreneurs, and community-based groups in green business standards and development.   

  • 2013

    Mongolia becomes the first country to join PAGE

  • 2014

    National Green Development Policy (NGDP) adopted by Parliament

    Technical Committee established with inter-ministerial representation

  • 2016

    Action Plan to support implementation of the NGDP approved by Cabinet

    Sustainable Development Vision 2030 adopted by Parliament

  • 2017

    List of indicators to measure progress towards the NGDP approved

    Handbook on green school buildings certified

    South-South exchange between Mongolia and Kyrgyz Republic to discuss green economy policy processes

  • 2018

    Green Economy Policy assessment report completed using T21 modelling

    Opportunities to unlock private finance explored, including operationalization of the Green Credit Fund and a roadmap for sustainable finance

    Course on green economy modelling offered by the University of Finance and Economics and National University of Mongolia

    PAGE commenced support to establish a public-private investment facility to incentivise greener cashmere value chains

    National sustainability strategy finalised with follow-up actions to sustain PAGE results

  • 2019

    National Policy in the Construction Sector adopted

    Sub-national green development programmes supported, including the Orkhon Aimag Sustainable and Green Development Policy

    Amendment to the Law on Public Procurement and associated Action Plan adopted

    New university course on sustainable finance tested, with components integrated into six existing courses

    Two workshops held to develop green entrepreneurship and project plans for nine aimags (provinces)

  • 2020

    Green Economy Policy Review pilot tested in Mongolia 

    Introductory e-course on green economy launched during “Green Technology Exhibition 2020” 

Ensuring the sustainability of results

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  • National training for green economy

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